Teaching Bayes: Challenges

Day 1

Who Are You All and What Are You Teaching?

Disciplines You Represent

Discipline Discipline
Biology Physics
Engineering Political Science
Forensic/Anthro Psychology
Law Science and Technology
Linguistics Sociology and Anthropology
Marine and Environmental Studies Statistics

What Are You Teaching?

  • Anything related to Bayesian methods

  • It can be your plans

  • Let’s hear from 2-3 of you!

Resources/Platforms for More Discussion

Small Group Discussion

Format and Length

  • About 30 minutes

  • 3-4 small groups, each led by one Instructor/TA

  • Random assignment; get to know people from a different discipline!

  • Assign a note-taker; if okay, please share notes with us afterwards

  • Assign a reporter for large group sharing (3 minutes per group)

  • Feel free to use our prepared questions and feel free to come up with your own

Discussion Questions

  1. Do you introduce Bayesian methods in your teaching, either as a module or as a standalone course? If so, what topics and at what levels? Do you follow a textbook? If not, what are your plans?

  2. Do you have challenges with regards to pre-reqs? If so, do you have solutions?

  3. Do you use certain software (other than R and Python and other programming languages) in your teaching? Do you have challenges with regards to Bayesian computing? If so, do you have solutions?

  4. Do you include certain Bayesian modeling techniques in your teaching? Do you have challenges with regards to Bayesian modeling? If so, do you have solutions?

  5. What is the one challenge you would like to get help with from BATS bootcamp?

Large Group Sharing

Format and Length

  • About 25 minutes

  • We will record this portion for sharing later. Okay?

  • Each group reports back for 3 minutes

  • Open discussion for remaining time