Bayes BATS Bootcamp Schedule

Daily Schedule

The bootcamp will take place in room 162 on the 1st floor of Olmsted Hall of Biological Sciences. Breakfast and lunch will be provided on site. The schedule for each day will be:

  • 8 AM - 9 AM | Breakfast
  • 9 AM - 12 PM | Lesson
  • 12 - 1 PM | Lunch
  • 1 - 2 PM | Discussion
  • 2:15 - 5 PM | Activity

Each day of the bootcamp, the learning material will be distributed to each participant in our GitHub organization .

Technical Setup Before the Bootcamp

  • Sign up for GitHub Sign up for a free GitHub account if you don’t already have one. Make sure to pick a username that you feel comfortable sharing on your CV. You will most likely use your GitHub username for many years in your data science career. Fill out this survey to let us know what your username is. Many of you have already done this. Using these usernames, we will send out an invitation to you become a member of the GitHub organization bayes-bats please accept this invitation. If you have not received your invitation please send a gentle reminder to Szofia on Slack.

  • Install R Yes, you do need to download and install R even if you have downloaded before. There is a newer version.

  • Install RStudio Yes, you do need to download and install RStudio even if you have downloaded before. There is a newer version. Download the free Desktop version.

  • Install and setup git

  • Test your installations

  • If you run into any issues about the tech setup please feel free to let us know in advance. You can also feel free to ask questions on the #bootcamp channel on Slack.

Day 0 part 1 - Introduction to the Toolkit

Videos to be watched before the bootcamp. If you run into any issues about this content please let us know in advance. You can feel free to ask questions on the #bootcamp channel on Slack.

Topic Materials
hello woRld
Introduction to Quarto
Data Wrangling

Day 0 part 2 - Probability and Statistics Review

Topic 1: Conditional probability

  • Overview: Conditional probability is a concept key to understanding Bayes’ theorem and its application.
  • We love the description of the concept at here, which was inspired by this.

The next four topics are based on the open access intro statistics textbook OpenIntro IMS. OpenIntro IMS has an emphasis on simulation-based inference, and hence you will see terms such as bootstrap in many chapters (e.g., Chapters 11 and 12). For the purpose of preparing for Bayes BATS bootcamp, we will focus on Central Limit Theorem-based inference, also called mathematical modeling by OpenInro IMS, as in Chapter 13. As you go over Chapters 14 and 16, you will encounter bootstrap methods and don’t worry if you don’t have the time to fully digest these portions. Focus on the mathematical modeling approaches in Chapters 14 and 16 will suffice.

Topic 2: Chapter 7 Linear regression with a single predictor link

  • Overview: This chapter is to help you with Day 4 materials of Bayes BATS bootcamp.
  • Exercises: 7, 9, 19, 21, 23, 27 (solutions are included in Appendix A).
  • For more details, see here.
  • For visual learners, check out this.
  • (Check out optional Chapter 8 Linear regression with multiple predictors.)

Topic 3: Chapter 13 Inference with mathematical modeling link

  • Overview: This chapter is to help you with Day 5 materials of Bayes BATS bootcamp.
  • Exercises: 1, 3, 5 (solutions are included in Appendix A).
  • For visual learners, check out this.

Topic 4: Chapter 14 Decision errors link

  • Overview: This chapter is to help you with Day 5 materials of Bayes BATS bootcamp.
  • Exercises: 1, 3, 5 (solutions are included in Appendix A).

Topic 5: Chapter 16 Inference for a single proportion link

  • Overview: This chapter is to help you with Day 5 materials of Bayes BATS bootcamp.
  • Exercises: 1, 13, 17, 19, 23, 27 (solutions are included in Appendix A).

Day 1 - Foundation of Bayesian inference

Your GitHub repository: day1-foundations-username

Type Topic Materials
Opening Welcome to Bayes BATS!
Lecture - part 1 Introduction to Bayesian thinking
Lecture - part 2 Discrete Response Data
Discussion Challenges of teaching Bayes
Activity Designing a Bayes Theorem activity

Day 2 - Bayesian computing: Simulating the posterior

Your GitHub repository: day2-simulations-username

Type Topic Materials
Lecture - part 1 Conjugate Priors and their Posteriors
Lecture - part 2 Gibbs Sampler and MCMC
Discussion Bayes in STEM Fields: Use Cases
Activity Designing a simulation activity

Day 3 - Bayesian computing: Posterior analysis

Your GitHub repository: day3-posterior-username

Type Topic Materials
Lecture - part 1 Posterior Inference and MCMC Algorithms
Lecture - part 2 Posterior Analysis with MCMC
Lecture - part 2 Posterior Analysis with MCMC and rstanarm version
Discussion Effective Assessment for Bayes Learning
Activity Designing a posterior analysis activity

Day 4 - Bayesian modeling: Regression models

Your GitHub repository: day4-regression-username

Type Topic Materials
Lecture - part 1 Fitting regression models
Lecture - part 2 Evaluating regression models
Discussion Bayes Course vs. Module
Activity Designing a Regression Model Lab

Day 5 - Bayesian modeling: Hierarchical models

Your GitHub repository: day5-hierarchical-username

Type Topic Materials
Lecture Hierarchical Models
Lecture Statistical Inference: frequentist vs. Bayesian
Discussion Software choices for Bayes learners
Activity Tier 2 preparation
Closing Before We Say Goodbye